Project Manager

per project or retained project manager


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Hiring a freelance project manager can be a strategic move for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or corporate marketing directors looking to streamline their operations and achieve specific goals.

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Types of services

Project manager expertise

In the dynamic landscape of business, project managers play a crucial role in ensuring the successful execution of various initiatives. In this context, three defined roles are offered for consideration:

the Marketing Project Manager,

the Website Development Project Manager, and

the Marketing Performance or Individual Project Manager.

For those directors seeking specialised expertise, the Marketing Project Manager is an invaluable asset. This option oversees the entirety of marketing projects, encompassing strategy development, team training, task and workflow setting, forecasting, and ensuring overall brand adherence. By opting for a retained monthly SLA, SMEs can establish a consistent and reliable resource to guide their marketing efforts, enhancing efficiency and yielding long-term success. The Marketing Project Manager becomes an extension of the in-house team, providing strategic direction and ensuring alignment with broader business objectives. This can be an excellent solution if you are doubting the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and wanting to make your marketing budgets and resources work more efficiently for you, without having to go to the expense of making another full-time hire.

Remote, on-site or hybrid working allows you additional flexibility and a range of collaboration tools can be implemented with enterprise-level security if required.

amplify your resources

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Website Projects

Website Development Project Manager, specialising in WordPress, emerges as a key, value based option. From conceptualisation to the live launch, as a professional freelance project manager I can take charge of the entire website development process. For SMEs and corporate entities alike, a well-structured and visually appealing online presence is essential for brand representation and customer engagement. By engaging a dedicated Website Development Project Manager, businesses can ensure that their WordPress websites not only meet but exceed industry standards. This role proves especially valuable for companies seeking a significant overhaul of their website, have found a development agency that they wish to employ, but require additional support in areas such as:

Technical Specifications

Design and functionality

SEO and marketing funnels

General Communication and Project timelines.

Marketing Projects

Meanwhile, the Marketing Performance or Per-Project Manager provides a flexible and project-specific solution for businesses with distinct needs. Operating on a per-project set fee basis, this freelance professional allows SMEs and corporate marketing directors to address specific challenges or capitalise on opportunities without a long-term commitment. Whether it’s launching a new set of tools to the department, running a targeted campaign, or addressing a specific aspect of marketing performance, this option provides a cost-effective and focused approach. The individual project manager brings a tailored skill set to address immediate needs, making them an ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts without a prolonged contractual commitment.

The role of a freelance project manager offers SMEs and corporate marketing directors a range of options to meet their specific needs. This freelance solution provides a tailored approach for achieving business objectives. Whether seeking ongoing support, digital transformation, or project-specific services, the freelance project manager is a strategic ally in navigating the complexities of modern business environments.

Provides information for London Freelance Project Manager costs, providing detail on what to expect to pay on a contracted and daily basis or a permanent full-time role. To have this expertise in house on an agreed day rate can save many thousands and would result in much greater marketing results in each of the three specialist roles specified.

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