Data analysis – the single most important aspect to your SEO strategy is going through more than a few changes currently – as approached in more detail on my freelance google analytics page.
The ability to report and accurately define your own site challenges – both in terms of technical and content elements of your published site pages is an absolute necessity to ensure that you apply the right strategies at the right time. It is these sequential activities, completed in the right order that will improve your site performance.
Add to this the ever-changing nature of tech and the progressions we are seeing in the digital landscape and the ability to quickly pivot or at the very least, keep abreast of these changes is of paramount importance.
If you have a website management or hosting company currently looking after your site and want to remain working with this existing team, I can as an SEO freelancer work with these external contractors and teams to improve your technical performance and implement the improvements to code, server or structure to ensure your technical performance and speed of delivery against all these core metrics is improved.
My experience extends to server-side responsibilities and I have acquired more than 5 years experience with wordpress, I am constantly evaluating new plugins, formats and structures and can help you achieve the efficiencies you need across TBT, LCP and CLS to ensure your speed index is as efficient as it can be with your current site, also providing advice on when a site over-haul might be worth considering.
I also provide WordPress web development services upto a value of £20k. If you are a larger firm or corporate entity I can provide the necessary pitch and presentation assistance, provide introductions to agencies with which I have working relationships. I can also assist you in the process of awarding a new build project to the right development agency for your needs. This work can involve SOW interrogations and specific build and feature identifications.
I have advanced skills with data and reporting and am able to identify technical problems that may be affecting the user experience, the code elements essential for both marketing performance and SERPs success as well as structural issues compounded by code or programmatic pages, for example.
Often with SEO agencies the reporting and advice can be long, unwieldy reports on keyword positions and traffic stats when all you really want is website performance statistics.
I try to shift away the constant reporting and provide a set of reports that are presented to allow you to understand the performance of your site and overall strategies. KPIs are set at the appropriate times, allowing the foundations of site and structure to be set whilst improving the quality of traffic to your site. I also provide conclusions and creative solutions to the data sets, allowing strategies to be sharpened and tightened to really get the real-business wins and increased business that is ultimately the purpose of SEO activity. The exact tasks involved in this vary according to the sector and factors such as trending queries, level of competition and market challenges all combine into a unique set of challenges. For UK SEO services and industry SEO statistics overview for 2024 visit the link or get in contact via one of the message forms, whatsApp or social.
If you are looking for a freelancer to provide advice and guidance to your in-house marketing team or marketing manager I can also provide this support, allowing them to improve their own SEO skills. In addition I have created an SEO theory which helps to identify which areas of content SEO are the most important to focus on and can really help the often complex process of content creation, topic clusters and internal linking become much more progressive and a more of a team task, utilising assets and content that perhaps have been overlooked in terms of their importance to achieving on the SEO front.
These reports are created on a quarterly basis and can additionally be supported with the creation of GA4 explore reports and Looker studio reports for those often vital monthly performance indicators.
All reports are tailored to each individual site and the particular challenges faced, however, you can expect standard reporting sections to cover competitor, content, technical and marketing effectiveness, plus additional reporting to provide you with an indication of matched traffic and suggested strategies that could improve conversions and business growth or successes.
Topics and
You will find in the archive articles a few useful pointers on how to approach a predominantly content SEO project – The SEO colour Wheel theory provides a workable model to allow you to identify whether it would be best for you to cut-the-content or condense, as opposed to grow your content. Often, you will find that there are topics that you are more confident writing about or have a writer that has a higher propensity to write about – in this instance, you may well be best advised to try a combination of cutting content on some topics – to help avoid inevitable duplication, and indeed to expand other topic areas and media formats. The latter to provide a more rounded and ‘cluster’ based approach to topics.
I can as an expert SEO freelancer provide these reports on content, on-page SEO and links as part of the aforementioned reporting phases. In addition, I can work with your internal content and social teams, source appropriate copywriters, and help implement new media sections, libraries, and online resources to fully implement a complete content strategy to best serve your optimisation and user interest/engagement goals.
If you are particularly looking for quality backlinks and content opportunities, I would highly recommend signing up to this free-forever site – build-links.CLUB, allowing you to view content requests from verified users. These content requests are from other businesses who are looking for knowledgeable content in return for quality backlinks and much opportunity exists to network and achieve positive linking with affiliated businesses and topic areas to help bolster your site and SERPs positions.
This site is an affiliate site to my own and one that I can advise on directly, providing trials and technical support to the features involved in both requesting content and building links through responding to existing content requests.
Many people ask the importance of SEO and many more will follow the stats in isolation, the fact is that Google is becoming increasingly interested in the quality of content and its recent updates have very much focused on the language and intent of the content, this is a good move in my opinion.
What it means is you ideally need to have someone monitoring and interrogating the market and the different aspects of your website performance data relating to your site and sector and ideally, a small team of content writers – people that are true wordsmiths and, and I cannot emphasise this enough, people that are true experts in your field. The SEO work is science and the ability of those with creative flair to apply content updates in-line with SEO structure and technical best practice will ensure this science is delivered via quality content, with skill. These content optimisations further provide opportunities in relation to maximising on page SEO, backlinks and technical SEO.
The cost of an audit will depend on your site – the size and also stability and amount of SEO work completed to date – if you are just starting to get to grips with optimisation – we will keep it relevant to a 6-12month period of achievable recommendations for your proposed budget. You can expect to pay anything between £400 and £1500 for a SME.
If you want to run a detailed SEO content audit on your site – please head to the SEO CONTENT AUDIT TOOLS page where you can purchase a content audit – you will also find additional resources for consultation and further explanation on the specialisms within SEO.
Many people ask the importance of SEO and many more will follow the stats in isolation, the fact is that Google is becoming increasingly interested in the quality of content and its recent updates have very much focused on the language and intent of the content, this is a good move in my opinion.
The following resources provide access to audits you can purchase, helpful information relating to SEO, and how to identify which specialist area of SEO your site is in the greatest need of in its present state.
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