Different Aspects
of website performance

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Annie Veale Freelance - SEM SEO
freelance web development, digital marketing and audits

Tools and Advice to improve website performance

This page provides a number of resources allowing you to learn more about the analysis involved in firstly, determining the standard of your website from the perspective of page speed and performance as well as user engagement performance and SERPs performance.

Carefully selected articles here provide comprehensive access to articles written to help point you in the right direction – whether you have a brand new web launch or are looking at what can be improved for a site of age, there are always improvements you can make to improve the visibility and engagement of your web pages.

If you are looking for specific information on SEO you will find a number of topic relevant articles here, and additional information on SEO pricing and deliverables above the footer.

the key to your digital marketing
Annie Veale
Some of the best new GA4 features

GA4 has evolved quite considerably during the latter part of 2024 and 1st quarter of 2025. See some of the best new features and admin panel settings

the missing piece to your google ads and analytics management
Annie Veale
Understanding WordPress Cookie Compliance

With Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Advanced Consent Mode, you can record events even without user consent. However, these events won’t be attributed to a specific, personally identifiable user who declined consent. Instead, via Advanced Consent Mode, they are recorded as ‘cookieless pings’.

analysis under the microscope
Annie Veale
AI search Assist

AI search Assist – what effect has it had on search – should you be targeting the search tool and who is it most suited to? Will it harm your CTR on Organic Search and what type of traffic quality can we expect?

Trend Analysis Spotlight: Health and Healthcare

5 Year Trend Analysis: Healthcare and Health-tec are growing sectors, spurred by an increasing preference to access private medical and health resources and better access

audit tools
search and SEO

SEO adds tech to an already tricky mix of identity, research, insight, creativity, trends, timing and memorability. The essentials of Marketing.


Need SEO, Content, Web Management?


Find out what we can do for you to make your site more visible and perform better.

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