Get social for top tips and trends

Annie Veale Freelance has a social presence across the icons listed above in the header of the site.

Most active on linkedIN I try to post regular updates about the areas in which I specialise – mostly – SEO – WordPress design and development and Reporting and Audits, to include GA4.




You can message me with your project details – the green button is a direct link – 

The Yellow button (please excuse the playschool approach!) takes you through to the SEO whatsApp channel – join the group, theres only a few members at the moment, but I do plan to evolve this. It is also a great tool for marketing if you want to nurture your existing clients – easy to create and allows a fairly non-invasive way to get updates and ‘newsletters’ to clients. The feature has been around since Autumn 2023 and is yet to really take off – my top tip is – I think it probably will!!

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